General Ops


There are a two things we don’t do at the Berrics. We don’t report bad news and we don’t try to make skaters, companies or shops look or feel bad. In an economically suffocating world where it’s become all too easy to point out what people are doing wrong we’re trying to point out what they’re doing right as this only increases their ability to do more right. The reason I’m prefacing you with this is because the video you see above, Bobby vs. The Edgar, was originally supposed to go up on the éS Footwear site, but only a few days before the video was supposed to launch éS had to make a really tough decision and shut down their program. I’ve been reluctant to say anything about it on the site because it’s not only bad news, it’s sad news and I know how much Sole Tech struggled with that decision and how much they did to keep the program going the last few years. Bobby Worrest worked hard on this part for nearly a year and we thought it would be a shame for people not to see it. If you didn’t catch it on Sunday, we wanted to make sure you caught it today because the last thing we need in these tough economic times is another casualty. Enjoy… and hit that like button! — sb

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