
JAMIE THOMAS — Lemonade Master Cleanse

JAMIE THOMAS -- Lemonade Master Cleanse

We all know how gnarly Jamie Thomas is on a skateboard. He’s been pushing the limits for over two decades now. In 2017, Jamie’s longevity is just as much a part of his mystique as the NBDs he’s checked off the list over the course of his career. 

The Chief has gone on the record about health in the past. His ethos is something to the effect of the fact that he does so much damage to his body externally, he does not want to do any damage internally through food or drinks. This explains a lot about Jamie’s ability to persevere for so long at the level that he skates.

But Thomas has a secret. A couple of times a year, he does the Lemonade Master Cleanse. It’s a diet consisting of consuming a concoction of water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper instead of food for anywhere between 10 days and three weeks. Sound harsh, right?

Listen to the full description of what’s involved above, and click here to view the recipe for the drink. If you decide to try this, Jamie recommends that you have a change of underwear and wet wipes with you at all times. Clearly, this is not for the faint of heart.

Jamie Thomas | Battle Commander [2013]

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