Trickipedia General Ops


Trickipedia is not a Trick Tips section, but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to learn. Trickipedia is the general education page for skateboarding tricks started by the Berrics so that future generations understand the difference between frontside and backside, and that there is no such thing as Switch Nollie Half Cabs. Each week one of Skateboarding’s best will help fill Trickipedia’s pages until it is the most comprehensive reference work on the planet. This week Neen Williams revisits Heelflips – this time in HD. Check out the original version handled by Luis Tolentino back on October 7, 2008. If you have any suggestions of who you would like to see do certain tricks in the future feel free to drop us a line at Just so you all know, this Trickipedia is the ultimate. It’s as good as it gets. Chase has been wanting Neen to do a Trickipedia on Heelflips for over two years (for obvious reasons), but scheduling conflicts and possible fear of the dark have held it up… until now. This is what Trickipedia is all about!

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