Yoonivision Best Of 2016


The best part of being a photographer is capturing memories that, in time, may be forgotten, especially when you’re having the time of your life where so many things happen on a daily basis. I really do have one of those dream jobs, and never do I take it for granted. When I look back at the year through my photo archive, I start to remember some awesome moments that slipped away in my mind. Funny thing is when I see a photo, I suddenly remember everything… jokes said, farts smelled, Chase saying something stupid, the time it was taken, the bad day I was having, the great day I was having… it’s crazy how much a photograph I shot can bring back every little minute thing that was happening in that moment to me. When I’m a very old man, I’ll look back at these photos with a big smile on my face remembering a point in my life that was probably the best time of my life. Here are some of those moments to remember from 2016.

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