General Ops

The Best Bangers of the Past Few Years

Yoshi Tanenbaum, Greg Rodriguez, John Bradford, Alex Risvad, Felipe Gustavo, Gustavo Ribeiro, Brandon Burleigh, Levi Loffelberger, Ivan Monteiro, Madars Apse, Boo Johnson, Nathan Vitale, Egor Kaldikov, Kwesi Holloway, Jeff Dechesare, Jordan Mourning, Trevor Theriault, Filipe Mota, and Ginwoo Onodera all have one thing in common: they’ve created some very memorable clips here at The Berrics. Some might call them “bangers.” Here are 8 minutes worth of bangers that will have you scratching your head and wondering, “How did they do that? And how did they make it look so good?”

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