General Ops


Today we are bombarded with more pictures, videos, comments, likes, pokes, DMs, and notifications than we can possibly process. Our minds are exposed to more brand campaigns in one day than they were in an entire year a decade ago. Who should we follow? What should we like? Where should we go? How do we stand out? Who can we trust? Are we caught in the trend or are we creating the trend? Do we look like us or do we look like them? These are all questions we constantly ask ourselves because our minds do not just sit back like sponges absorbing it all. They can’t. They won’t. They reject those things they cannot identify with or reduce down to their utmost simplicity, thus making it difficult for anyone, everyone. So, in order to help us cope with this assault on our minds SOVRN has offered up COURBES. A short and sweet edit that demonstrates that even in a world where the future looks uncertain, not everything has to be ugly.


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