
GEOFF ROWLEY INTERVIEW — Geoff Talks Hunting With Rolling Stone

GEOFF ROWLEY INTERVIEW -- Geoff Talks Hunting With Rolling Stone

Geoff Rowley sat down with Rolling Stone for an interview in which he touches on his work as a hunting guide and passion for wildlife management. Geoff got into hunting when he was young back in England through his friend and fellow skateboarder, Andrew Warrington, who is a game warden. Through stalking deer with Andrew, Geoff developed an interest in animals and nature—which eventually lead to hunting. Four years ago, Rowley began working as a professional hunting guide.

“I’m a hunting guide for KIKA. People book us for hunts to pursue a particular species of animal and we will guide them. We will take them out and do everything we can to help them be successful in harvesting the animal. We specialize in hard-to-draw tags. I cherry pick particular hunts to improve on my personal skillset in that space. I’m green – I’ve been guiding maybe four years, but I’ve spent a lot of time in the outdoors and I’m comfortable navigating through wild country. It’s a lot of map work and the hunts that we do are very endurance driven. There might be one tiny spring in the entire range and you have to get to it. But that’s my role, I’m a hunting guide and I help the company from a branding standpoint – getting position in that space and networking to help gain support from brands that could support our outfit.”

For more on Geoff’s pursuits outside of skateboarding, read the full interview on Rolling Stone.

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