
Watch This Raw Footage Of Powell-Peralta’s Riders At The DTLA Brick Quarterpipes

Powell-Peralta‘s ‘Raw Clips’ series makes you feel like you’re part of the sesh, and the latest episode—shot at downtown LA’s famous brick quarterpipes by City Hall—is no exception. The team riders make these transitioned planters actually look easy, but this spot is one of the most challenging in the city; from a distance they look perfect, but as you get closer you notice that every unforgiving tile is flat and ready to rumble. And how do these short things have vert? This spot makes an appearance in several old school eighties videos—respect to those guys, and respect to Brad McClain, Scott Decenzo, Vincent Luevanos, and Landon Belcher, who conquer this difficult/fun spot brick-by-brick.

Visit the Powell-Peralta site for more info about this awesome project!

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