

There’s something Aaron’s dad says near the end of what you’re about to watch. It’s probably my favorite moment in the entire PUSH project as it not only perfectly sums up the way his son has lived and is currently living his life, but serves as advice on how you could live yours as well as a validation to those of you who already are. Although many of you, no matter how much you say you will skate forever, won’t. That’s okay, not everyone can. That’s not the point of what we’re trying to do. It would be silly to think that you were going to live with us forever. There is this tacit understanding that you will move on some day and we can only hope that you take stories like Aaron’s with you and apply them to everything you do, whatever it is you end up doing so that in some way, even when you’re gone, you never leave us. They call him Jaws. I like to call him Aaron. You can call him one of the most inspiring guys of your young life, particularly after you watch this. I know it’s something I’ll never forget. – sb

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