The Kennedy Files

The Kennedy Files — 2002 DVS Sales Meeting Video

When I first got hired by DVS back in 2002 I was a bit naive when it came to making a team video. I couldn’t wait to get started and I thought with my motivation and the team’s skills we’d be done filming in a year*. I guess I forgot to take into consideration that the entire team was already filming for other projects (Yeah Right, Mosaic, Roll Forever, Round 3) so no one would pick up their phone when I called them to go film. In July of 2002, after woking at DVS for 6 months, my boss wanted to see how the video was coming along and asked me to put together a teaser for their upcoming sales meeting. They wanted to show it to the sales team to get them excited about the project. Well, I doubt it had the intended effect, this edit was literally scraped together at the last minute and it shows. I only filmed half of the footage and I had to put most of it in slow motion just to eat up some time. A lot of clips in this edit never made it into Skate More, some of them ended up in other videos and some of them have never seen the light of day until now. *note the overly optimistic release date at the end of the video. Told you I was naive, Skate More didn’t premier until May 2005