
‘Wasted Talent’ Premieres Super 8 Skate Video ‘Bande à part’

Skate videos actually shot on film are exceedingly rare these days. In the ’80s, it was actually pretty common to see skating on film—projects like Goin’ Off, Wheels Of Fire, and the Bones Brigade filmography typically dabbled in celluloid. But, these days, with the ubiquity (and high quality) of your phone’s camera, popping in some Kodak film to capture a clip just seems a little… extra. Wasted Talent magazine bucks the technological trends with its latest project, a super 8 short film by Robin Pailler featuring Tjark Thielker, Niklas Speer von Cappeln, Ilja Judizki, and the Cleptomanicx riders. Named after Jean Luc Godard’s 1964 heist movie, ‘Bande à part’ is an ode to the joy of skateboarding with your friends. Watch the video, excuse me, FILM, above!

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