The Kennedy Files

The Kennedy Files — Fully Forgotten

Even though Lakai and DVS shared the same distribution and same headquarters for more than a decade, they never really collaborated on any projects. In 2004, just as the DVS video was starting to pick up steam, Lakai had also started to film for their own full length video. Somehow during that year, I ended up filming a handful of times with some of the Lakai team for what would eventually become Fully Flared. I’m a big fan of all of those guys and I would’ve loved to have filmed with them more but like I said before, each team basically kept to themselves. Ultimately, none of this footage ever made it into the video, even the 180 nosegrind of Scott was re-filmed by someone else on another day. These are the clips I filmed back in 2004 that were Fully Forgotten until now.

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