
Grant Schubert Interviews Heath Kirchart About Skate Videos

In 2016, Grant Schubert was one of the filmers working on the second season of The Berrics’ PUSH series. Among his many, many assignments was flying to South Korea to get footage for Leo Romero’s episodes. Heath Kirchart was along for the ride, and Schubert took the opportunity to interview him about how video parts have changed since the ’90s.

This enlightening interview is full of great Kirchart soundbites, but this one says it all: “I hate varial flips, but I could watch Brian Anderson do them all day.”

Kirchart has been a friend of The Berrics since before the beginning, if that makes sense. He and Berrics co-founder Steve Berra have been teammates on several different brands—Foundation, Birdhouse, Alien Workshop—for decades, and to this day he pops into the park to grab his low-key morning sessions (which are light years ahead of what you would think of as a “casual sesh”). Check out some of his work with us over the years (and ignore the typo on the first video’s cover image… oops):

And this one, just because:

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