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WKND Reveals Tom Karangelov’s Debut Board With Killer Promo

With the announcement last week that Tom Karangelov has joined WKND‘s band of merry mischief makers, one thing was certain: a cinematic, tongue-in-cheek skit would be appearing in our feeds at some point. And considering that Tom K. is a HUGE movie buff we were expecting something extra special. Well, former Berrics filmer—and WKND co-founder—Grant Yansura delivered with a pitch-perfect homage to American Psycho‘s business card scene (it’s kind of crazy that every WKND pro is an outstanding actor… or is it just great direction?), watch it above!

Check out this Off The Grid Karangelov filmed with Arto Saari a couple of years ago, and our Next New Wave Trajectory on WKND, below:

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